What happened, next? Well in Fairfax they say that the photographer’s heart grew three sizes that day.
So in addition to posting extremely cute pictures of the most adorable kids ever, I am going to use this post to talk about me. Ha!
Well, me and the camera.
I struggle in social situations. It’s not always noticeable from the outside — in fact if anything I overcompensate for my awkwardness. But inside, even the smallest interactions make me squirmy.
Years ago my oldest son asked why my husband and I weren’t like all the other parents at his sporting events. When we asked what he meant, he said, well all the other parents hang out together, and you guys, well you guys don’t.
Fortunately around that time, and through a big dose of Divine grace, taking pictures became a much larger part of my life. And things started to change. In the beginning, I used the camera to stay away. But slowly and quietly it drew me into the conversations.
Since then, the camera has introduced me to literally hundreds of people. Wonderful, beautiful people, who I would have been too shy to meet on my own. And some whom I have had the honor to introduce you to here on the blog.
Many of these folks I can now call friends and even family. A picture brought my son and his amazing girlfriend together nearly two years ago. And in turn that brought her family into our lives—the kinda people who just make your life better.
The camera taught me that meeting people is what it is all about. And it’s all about love.
But enough about me.
Let’s look at some adorable pictures of some adorable kids.
Welcome to the world, little one.